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In this section, it is vital to reflect on the structure that an argumentative writing process must have. This structure must have coherence and cohesion taking into account the purpose of the writer and the audience that goes to.


Each paragraph in an essay has a special purpose because it goes to each part of the essay. The structure of the essay is:

1. "The introductory paragraph" : in this part, the writer opens the essay in order to catch the reader's attention. In this section, the author must write "the thesis statement" (one sentence that sets the main idea of the whole essay).

2. "The body of the essay": in this part, the writer must have two, three or more paragraphs with the purpose of offering arguments or contra-arguments about the thesis statement.

3. "The conclusion of the essay": this is the closure of the essay. It might be a paragraph, a sentence that can incorporate the main ideas of the essay or a critical-thinking sentence.


INTRODUCTION : it has general ideas and the thesis statement.

BODY OF SUPPORTING PARAGRAPHS: It contains the topic sentence and the supporting statements with examples. Generally, it might have two, three or more paragraphs. If the essay is argumentative, the author must write pros and cons ideas.

CONCLUSION: it might be a feeling, opinion or the summary of the main points of the essay.

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